Moment has a problem: we don't have enough customers. I've recently made solving this my full-time job. "But Serge, you're the CEO! Shouldn't that always have been your full-time job?" I hear you asking. Yes, but I'm a moron[1].

Anyway, enough about me. Let's talk about you, dear founder.

You tend to be opinionated and vocal. It's why you became a founder in the first place. You couldn't stand working for the corporate blob. The rigidity and layers of bureaucracy are suffocating. And even if you could tolerate the blob, the blob couldn't tolerate you. At least not over the long term. Your willingness to ask hard questions and point out uncomfortable truths would be seen as merely annoying at first, but in time, would trigger the corporate gag reflex. You would simply not fit in. All that to say, you are exactly the right person to give feedback on early products!

But wait, that's not all! You also tend to be pragmatic about risk-taking. You recognize that the beaten path is where the wheels of mediocrity roll. If you want exceptional results, you cannot always play it safe. So you are open to trying new, unproven technologies that have the potential for large payoffs.

And there's more! You've been through the wringer with your own business. You understand that early products can have paper cuts - suboptimal parts of the experience that have not been polished off yet. Like if there's no way to remove a team member in the app yet. Or if you order a toilet and we ship you a mattress. Ok, that last one is probably more of an amputation than a paper cut, but you get it. The point is you can tolerate imperfection if the benefit is large enough[2].

As if that wasn't enough, you even come pre-packaged with the authority to make changes to your business. It's your company, and you have the confidence and clout to push through unpopular, but correct decisions. I don't have to spend months navigating your org chart to find the right person to talk to.

So, dear founder, thank you. Stay awesome!

  1. More precisely, I have not done a great job of pruning down my list of thousands of tasks that "need" to get done to just the single most important one. It seems like urgent tasks always get in the way of important ones 😕. ↩︎

  2. It had better be a gosh-darn-tootin' amazing toilet! ↩︎


Paying customers: 6 (+1)

Monthly revenue: $224 (+$25)